Pacifying Branch - Call to Arms in Effect Until Monday

In an emergency meeting late last night, SMA council leader EX River announced a call to arms, meaning the entire alliance will be on full alert until Monday.

All pilots are to return to pocket immediately, along with all alts in the alliance. Move your death clone to the appropriate location, and be sure to have jump clones nearby, along with a good supply of ships.

Remember to stay on Teamspeak, and to join the standing fleet upon logging in. All fleet tracker submissions will be counted as usual, so make sure to fill them out.


The long CTA is meant to concentrate alliance resources on stamping out hostiles within SMA space. SMA, sitting on the edge of Branch and the fringe of coalition space, has been subject to weeks of harassment by enemy forces, as well as Initiative mercenaries operating out of Venal.

Alliance leadership's decision to crack down on hostile mercenaries comes in the wake of threats made by a leader of Against All Authorities after the coalition's recent interference in a 2000-ship battle between -A- and the Russians.

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