SSX TOR Server Details

As promised I can now reveal the server information for our Empire guild in TOR.

Guild Name: Shattered Star eXiles

Allegiance to: The Sith Empire

Server Name: Bloodworthy

Europe (English), PvP

If you are one of the people who joined our pre-launch guild before importation started you will see a gold flag icon next to our assigned server on the server selection screen ingame. Pick this server and start creating your character.

Once you are ingame you will be presented with a dialogue box inviting you to join our guild. Please note that you can only accept this automatic invite once so please try and make sure that the character you accept on is your main. If you decline the invite you will be asked again on the next character you create either until you accept or you enable the "ignore guild offer" in the preferences options. ~ If you go on to create alternate characters on the same server as our guild you should either PM one of us for an invite (alts are more than welcome) or you can leave your alt(s) clanless if you would prefer.

For any existing members who may have only recently decided to join us in TOR just hit one of us up ingame and we'll throw an invite your way too!

Lastly, as a friendly reminder and at the risk of sounding like a broken record. Once you are in the guild it would be greatly appreciated if everyone can make sure their character details have been added to our Roster thread on the forums and remains up to date. - Huge thanks for this.

[For a more detailed guide on how the Guild Deployment system works you can read the announcement post here.]

Look forward to seeing you all ingame! ;)

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