signature images

Feel free to make use of the following Signature Images across our forums or others you use under the STR tags.

Our thanks go to M.Steiner for the time and effort he has spent producing these signatures. To use them, just paste the code provided into the Signature field on your forum profile.

The Shattered Star - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

The Shattered Star - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star Community - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star eXiles - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star eXiles - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star eXiles World of Warcraft Group - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star eXiles World of Warcraft Group - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star eXiles The Old Republic Group - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

Shattered Star eXiles The Old Republic Group - Forum Signature

Code: [img][/img]

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